



This rule defines the standards for which an academic program would be exempt from the open-admission through the use of admission requirements or through reserved enrollment 由外部赞助商.


  1. 特殊招生项目
    林本顿社区学院 maintains an "open door" policy on admissions; However, special admission standards may be imposed for specific instructional programs to effectively and responsibly administer the resources of the institution. 这些标准 are set to ensure each student a reasonable chance of success in a program and shall constitute the minimum standards consistent with the demands of that program. 的 college will make an effort to enable current high school students to be eligible for admission to a special admission program by demonstrating a mastery of the material 包含在适当的高中课程中. 所有教学项目的录取 否则将按先到先得、“开门”的原则进行.

    的 Instructional Standards Committee is responsible for granting special admission status to instructional programs, approving changes to minimum admission criteria, and removing special admission status based on established guidelines.

    When changes to special admission requirements are under consideration students must be given sufficient notification to allow them time to adjust to academic programs. Phase-in programs with new requirements will be implemented if feasible.

    Special admission programs may grant priority admission to in-district residents in order to support citizens of the district in filling local employment opportunities. In-district residency will be determined at the time of application to the program. 申请人将需要按照指示验证居留.


    Students who do not meet the minimum admission standards for programs that require a course prerequisite or competency may petition for admission if denied admission 基于最低标准. 请愿书将不被接受基于任何其他 在选择过程中使用的标准.

    If a student feels there are extenuating circumstances that may not have been considered during the routine screening of applications by the 入学s Office, a petition 可以存档. 入学申请表格必须填写并可随附 通过额外的文件来支持学生的要求..


    Students must meet all safety and behavioral expectations of programs to which they 是否有住宿条件. 没有遵守博天堂官方学生的 Rights and Responsibilities or the professional protocols of the college, clinical, CWE, or practicum sites may result in immediate removal from the program. 学院 reserves the right to not admit a student removed for non-compliance to the same, or similar, programs in which the student’s previous behavior, if repeated, exposes other students, the general public, 博天堂官方, or its partners, to a significant safety 以及责任风险.


    Student may audit the lecture portion of a course that is part of a designated special admission program when there is space available and the instructor grants permission. Priority for any available space is to be given to students preparing to re-enter the program or people currently in the field who are in need of some additional professional 发展. 项目 may have additional conditions or limitations set on students 想旁听课程. 学生可能被限制旁听临床和实验室 课程或计划的一部分.

  2. 预留学生注册
    学术课程可以支持地区就业需求. 区域就业需求 would be for communities and employers beyond the service district, or to meet business partner needs when the business has a state or multi-state regional need.

    博天堂官方 programs are authorized to support regional employment needs through the program approval process and may request permission to have a regional focus from the President 在与大学副校长协商后. 学生资助有两种形式:

    1.  Spaces in programs offered within the district may be established to meet demands 本地或地区雇主的.
    2.  Sponsoring organizations financially support the students attending the program.

    Sponsors from outside the district are expected to have students committed by a deadline after which the space is released to waitlist students and then opened to the public with no guarantee that a student will seek employment with the sponsor.

Sponsors must have in their agreement with the college that their recruitment and selection process and criteria are equally available to all potential candidates. 学院 may request copies of recruitment and selection guidelines as part of 审查履行我们对非歧视做法的承诺的情况.

     C. 承诺不歧视做法

项目 that are granted exception to the “open door” policy must be reviewed every 5 一年s reviewing the demographics of the students who apply to, are accepted, enrolled, 和研究生. 本次审查是为了确保机构和主办机构的第三次审查 party processes for advertising, selection, and program design are not creating or 进一步导致受保护阶层不成比例的参与. 这篇评论是 院长对项目的责任. 评审小组由以下人员组成 members at a minimum:  dean for the program, the department chair, Title IX officer, 招生服务主任. 每个项目都包括对招聘的评估 materials and activities, selection procedures and requirements, and student retention as related to being inclusive of all prospective and enrolled students. 这份报告 is to address student demographic representation, impacts of efforts implemented to address previous demographic imbalances, evidence that processes are not related to the imbalances, and plans to address any disproportionate participation in the next 一年. 这份报告 will be submitted to the Vice President for Academic and Student 事务.



DATE(S) OF REVISION(S): 03/16/04; 11/6/14; 6/1/17; 11/1/18; 10/06/22

DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 6/1/17; 11/1/18; 10/06/22